Gingersnap Fudge Sandwich Cookies

Gingersnap Fudge Sandwich CookiesDuring the photo shoot for the Gingersnap Fudge recipe, one of my setups used gingersnap cookies as a base for a stack of fudge.

When I finished that part of the shoot, I wondered what to do with the cookies. I didn’t want to throw good cookies away. The only thing wrong with them was that they had fudge sitting on top of them. Suddenly, I put my finger on it. The fudge, that is. I squished the fudge onto the cookie and put another gingersnap cookie right on top. And then I ate it!

It was so good, I made another. Then I thought, well, why not shoot a stack of gingersnap sandwich cookies with gingersnap fudge filling? So I did.

To recreate this taste-bud tingler, either buy or make a batch of gingersnap cookies. Then make a batch of gingersnap fudge. While the fudge is still warm and pliable, scoop out a tablespoon or so of fudge and plop it right in the middle of a gingersnap cookie. Put another cookie on top, and squeeze gently. Don’t squeeze too hard, because you might break one or both the cookies, and then, of course you would have to eat them. (By the way, broken cookies have 0 calories.)

Repeat until you either run out of fudge or run out of cookies, whichever comes first.

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